Wybierz wydarzenie poniżej żeby zobaczyć jego opis:

Turnieje towarzyskie

W szachach nie chodzi tylko o nagrody ale również o czystą rywalizację i dobrą zabawę 🙂 Zapraszamy więc we wrześniu na cykl turniejów towarzyskich gdzie najważniejsza będzie dobra zabawa i relaks 🙂

Zapraszamy do współpracy streamerów, którzy chcieliby rywalizować razem z nami i prezentować swoje postępy live 🙂

ChessStars Cup

Enter the competition for the ChessStars Cup!

In September we will play the first season of the ChessStars Cup, where a real cup will be waiting for the winner!

At the beginning, we will play 6 qualifying tournaments where the first 10 players from each tournament will advance to the semi-finals.

We will play 2 tournaments in the semi-finals. 30 players will play in each, and 15 players from each will advance.

In the last tournament we will see 30 finalists and the best one will win the ChessStars Cup!

Turnieje kwalifikacyjne będą rozgrywane w serwisie chess.com
Półfinały oraz finał zostaną rozegrane w serwisie lichess.org

PUCHAR puchat


1 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Data: 10.09.2023
Time: 22:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

2 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Data: 12.09.2023
Godzina: 21:30
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

3 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Data: 14.09.2023
Time: 22:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

4 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Date: 16/09/2023
Time: 20:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

5 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Date: 18/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

6 turniej kwalifikacyjny
Date: 20/09/2023
Time: 20:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

1 półfinał
Data: 25.09.2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player + 2 seconds per move

2 półfinał
Data: 26.09.2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player + 2 seconds per move

Date: 28/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 5 minutes per player

Regulamin rozgrywek

Race for points

Wydarzenie, które trwa nieco ponad tydzień.

It involves playing ranking games on chess.com. For each game won, the player receives 1 point. After the race ends, the competitors with the most points will receive prizes.

The following games are included in the classification:
- rankingowe pojedyncze,
- rankingowe rozgrywane w ramach turniejów,
- partie typu: blitz, rapid, daily. Nie wliczają się partie typu bullet.

The condition for participating in the race is to register on the ChessStars.pl website and provide your chess.com username.

1 miejsce - karta prezentowa Empik o wartości 50 zł
2 miejsce - kubeczek ChessStars
3 miejsce - kubeczek ChessStars

The race for points starts on September 9 and lasts until September 17.


Regulamin rozgrywek

Liga tygodniowa

Weekly league games last for 7 days. During this time, tournaments are held every day in which participants can earn points for the general classification. After the last tournament in the league is played and points are awarded, the best players will receive prizes. There are no specific prizes assigned to places 1-3. The winner will be able to choose a prize, the 2nd place player will choose from the remaining two, and the 3rd place player will receive the last, unselected prize.

Players will compete for: a ChessStars T-shirt, an Empik Gift Card worth PLN 50 and a ChessStars mug.

We will distribute 3 x 20 GoldStar points among players who take part in all weekly league tournaments.

Za zajęcie poszczególnych miejsc można zdobyć punkty:

Place Points
1 30 points
2 25 points
3 20 points
4 10 points
5 5 points
6-15 2 points


Date: 18/09/2023
Time: 20:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player + 2 seconds per move

Date: 19/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 6 rounds, 5 minutes per player

Date: 20/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

Date: 21/09/2023
Time: 22:00
System: Swiss, 6 rounds, 5 minutes per player

Date: 22/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player + 2 seconds for movement

Date: 23/09/2023
Time: 22:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

Date: 24/09/2023
Time: 21:00
System: Swiss, 7 rounds, 3 minutes per player

Regulamin ligi dostępny jest tutaj.

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